RPD: 2 occupied homes struck by gunfire overnight

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ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC) — Shots were fired into occupied homes on the 200 block of Sherman Street just after midnight Wednesday.

Police say two homes were hit, but thankfully no one inside them was hurt.

The incident is under investigation and police are asking anyone with information to call 911.

News of shots fired into Rochester homes has become more common since Mayor Malik Evans took over in January, but police say that’s not necessarily because shots are being fired into homes more often, but because Mayor Evans’s administration has given investigators the green light to make the incidents more public.

Recent incidents include shots fired into homes an Ames Street home on Feb. 17, a home near Wentworth and New York Streets on Jan. 29 while children were inside, a similar incident on Feb. 21 on Ripley Street, and an incident on Bernard Street where shots were fired into a home and a man was hit.