Local pizza shop getting super business break for Super Bowl Sunday

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PENFIELD, N.Y. (WHEC) — Pre-orders for Mark’s Pizzeria are piling up tonight, ahead of Super Bowl Sunday.

The pizza shop owner says prepping for a big event like this means all hands on deck. News10NBC was inside the Penfield location, and they were whipping out preparations for Sunday. The owner, Mark, says in just this one location they’ll have 40 employees stacked for the game.

“It’s very fast pace on Super Bowl Sunday, everyone’s going as fast as they can it’s just controlled chaos,” owner Mark Crane said.

In previous years ovens inside Mark’s Pizzeria have pumped out 400-500 orders on busy days like "Super Bowl Sunday." Crane says they’re ready to do it again this year.

"This is a big pump up for the staff here, everyone ready to go!”

The pandemic has brought supply chain issues for a variety of businesses, but Crane says, for his shops, it really hasn’t been a big issue.

"It hasn’t been difficult, all of our products are pretty much in stock so we’re pretty easy going with our suppliers because we’re all in this game together," he said.

Crane says pizzas wouldn’t be possible without his team.

"I love my employees, I have to tell you, this weekend, we all band together, and these kids work so hard, I just want to thank them right now, they’re going to do a great job,” Crane said.

Getting pre-orders in Sunday before the game might be tough, but Crane says they’ll get to as many as they can.