Former music school owner convicted for child porn sentenced for state charges

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PARMA, N.Y. (WHEC) — Months after former Parma music teacher Philip Close was sentenced for federal possession of child porn charges, he was sentenced Tuesday on similar state charges.

Close was sentenced on three state charges of unlawful surveillance. He was convicted of hiding spy cameras throughout his music school, including the bathroom.

Investigators say Close was recording his victims at the Close School of Music on West Ridge Road in Parma between 2012 and 2019. He’s was charged with producing hundreds of videos of child pornography involving 61 minor victims.

The youngest child was just 4 years old at the time. During a search warrant executed at the school, authorities found 13 total devices containing these videos. Close was previously sentenced to 50 years in federal prison back in August.

Tuesday the judge sentenced him to three to nine years on the state charges. Amy Collier-Williams, a parent who was a victim of Close wasn’t completely satisfied with the sentencing.

"I was satisfied with the judge’s reaction," Collier-Williams said. "he felt what we felt when we were represented in that way, but I’m not satisfied with the justice system, and the plea deals that were made."

Close will serve this additional sentence at the same time as his 50-year federal sentence.