RPD: Mailboxes damaged by explosive device on N. Clinton Ave

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ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC) — The Rochester Police Department bomb squad is investigating damage to mailboxes at an office building on North Clinton Ave.

Rochester Police say they were called to investigate a criminal mischief complaint at 87 N. Clinton Ave around 7 a.m. Wednesday. A cluster of mailboxes in a common area inside the building appears to have been damaged by some kind of explosive device.

No injuries were reported.

Streets in the area were closed for several hours and several floors of the building were evacuated.

According to Catholic Charities Family and Community Services, which is housed in 87 North Clinton, the damage was not in their part of the building but they chose to have staff at both their North Clinton locations work from home Wednesday.

Lt. Greg Bello said no further explosives were found, and investigators are still working to determine the motive.

"So at this point, there’s nothing we can tell targeting Catholic Charities, or commercial businesses, or anything along those lines," Bello said. "It’s a common area. It could be involved with anything."

Police say it’s too early to tell how much damage was done.

The U.S. Postal Service is also involved in the investigation.

Anyone with information is asked to call 911.

Rochester Mayor Malik Evans sent the following statement on the incident:

"I am thankful that no one was hurt and that the explosive device detonated this morning at 87 N. Clinton Ave. only damaged a group of mailboxes.

"However, I also recognize that the perpetrator, or perpetrators, of this crime could have caused much more serious damage – injury and even loss of life. They have traumatized not only the people who live, work and visit in that building, but also the entire Downtown community.

"We will not tolerate such selfish and careless behavior and the Rochester Police Department, the Arson Task Force and the United States Postal Service will work together to investigate this incident to locate whomever is responsible for this dangerous act and bring them to justice.

"I encourage anyone who may have seen something or has any information regarding this incident to call 911 immediately."