Neighbor devastated he couldn’t save person from Jerold Street fire

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ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC) — A next-door neighbor jumped into action, and ran inside the burning home on Jerold Street Wednesday morning, after hearing screams for help. One person died in the fire, and two others were hurt.

Gary Barrick, who lives in the house next door to the one that caught fire, said he’s known the people who lived in the home for about 20 years. He says, he ran inside to try and help, but the flames and smoke were too much.

"I was reading the paper, and I heard her screaming fire, fire, I woke my wife up and I just ran outside,” Barrick said.

Barrick said he didn’t think twice about running into a burning home to save people he knew. Holding back emotions, he said, the flames were so intense, he couldn’t make it deep enough into the home.

"I put my pants on and I went into the house and tried to get them out, I couldn’t get in, there were flames all over," Barrick said. "She tried to run back in the house and I pulled her out, I told her to stay over there, I tried to get in there and get him but the first floor. I couldn’t get in.”

Barrick kept looking back, as fire crews tore down the home Wednesday afternoon. He says he’s devastated he couldn’t save the other person trapped inside.

“It’s sad, he was a hard worker, good neighbor,” Barrick said.

The cause of the fire is under investigation. The names of the victims are not being released right now.