Expect your grocery bill to go up in 2022, reports say

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(NBCNC) — Get ready to pay even more at the grocery store next year.

Many food manufacturers have said they plan to raise prices for a range of items from coffee to condiments like mustard and mayonnaise.

Food prices overall are forecast to rise 5% in the first half of 2022, according to research firm IRI.

Oreo maker Mondelez recently said it’s hiking prices across its cookies, candy and other products by 6% to 7%.

General Mills and Campbell Soup Company also plan price increases in January.

The Wall Street Journal reports Kraft Heinz has told retailers it will raise prices for Jell-O and Grey Poupon, among other products, with some going up as much as 20%.

However, Kraft says it won’t be passing all of that on to customers.

Many staples are expected to be more pricey in part because of higher labor, packaging and shipping costs.