Ontario County gives out testing kits and masks

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CANANDAIGUA, N.Y. (WHEC) — Some rural counties in the Greater Rochester area are handing out COVID test kits to help control the winter COVID surge. Ontario County handed them out Monday afternoon along with masks. There was quite the turnout.

Ontario County says it was given 4,400 test kits from the state. It handed out about 2,000 of them at vaccine clinics last week and the rest were handed out at the county’s highway building. It was only about an hour and some change before they ran out of tests.

This is the first test kit event for the county. Handouts were supposed to start around 2 p.m. but started early because cars were lined up all down the street and into the parking lot around 1 p.m.

"People are thanking us left and right, I mean they’re grateful to get them, and I believe most of the pharmacies that are selling them the shelves are cleaned and they don’t have any more to sell,” said Deputy County Administrator Brian Young.

People in line tell us the wait looked long, but it wasn’t that bad.

"We’re excited to have our test kits. We waited 15 minutes tops,” Carl Hampton said.

County officials say they are anticipating more test kits from the state this week, but aren’t sure how many they’ll get, and when they do, they’ll host another drive-up handout.

Those who test positive with the home kit are asked to fill out this form.

This link has more information on vaccination clinics and booster doses in Ontario County.