COVID vaccine card law makes for harsh penalties on fakes

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ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC) — On Wednesday, Gov. Hochul signed a bill into law making it illegal to forge COVID vaccination cards and digital COVID records.

There’s always been a law against forging documents, but this new law specifically applies to fake COVID docs.

It’s been a problem since the summer of 2020. But with the surge in cases, people are more inclined to create a fake COVID card, especially with restrictions on where people are allowed with proof of an actual vaccine.

You could break, "various federal and New York state laws," said State Attorney General Tish James.

Rule breakers can expect a hefty fine of $1,000 if caught with a fake COVID card, which is now considered a Class A Misdemeanor. Messing with digital COVID records is a Class E Felony.

People are urged to report fake cards or digital records to officials.