‘Spider-Man: No Way Home’ having great opening weekend

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GATES, N.Y. (WHEC) — Thousands of moviegoers have packed theaters all across the country to see "Spider-Man: No Way Home" since Thursday night.

Entertainment experts say the movie is already the third highest-grossing movie premier, already taking in more than $50 million. News10NBC’s Patrick Moussignac went to Cinemark Tinseltown USA and IMAZ in Gates.

He saw dozens of people come in to watch this movie in the hour he was there, most of them happy to be back inside a movie theater again.

"Spider-Man: No Way Home" has such a big fan base, seven out of the 16 movie auditoriums here are showing the film. Cinemark released a statement saying for the company, this movie had the biggest U.S. box office opening night. The movie could generate more than $200 million in ticket sales during this opening weekend.

News10NBC talked to a few moviegoers and asked if they had any concerns being inside of a movie theater as COVID-19 positivity rates continue to climb.

"We’re not worried about it," said Livio Ciciotti of Victor. "We’re a healthy family, and we take care of ourselves with vitamins, and eating right and rest, and we believe that our bodies and immune systems are good enough."

"Honestly, as people, we’ll persevere with COVID," said Rochester resident Gino Romano. "We already did it in 2020. I think we’ll be fine going forward as long as we stay safe, and stay masked up."

Due to the state’s mask mandate, masks must be worn inside movie theatres, regardless of vaccination status, until at least Jan. 15.