Mayor Evans announces activities to keep kids healthy and safe during summer

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ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC) — The city is organizing recreational programs this summer to help children stay safe, active, and make new friends.

Mayor Malik Evans unveiled Rochester’s 2022 Summer Recreation Guide on Friday morning at Rochester Sports Complex. The activities allow children to enjoy their summer vacation with adults who can help them avoid harm and stay mentally engaged.

“I believe that we owe it to our children to do everything in our power to let them fully experience the childhood joys of summer,” Evans said. “We must do everything to keep them safe and learning all year round.”

Some of the activities listed in the guide are:

  • R-Super Camps. A series of fun activities with a diverse group of friends, a caring staff, and affordable prices.
  • Earth Explorers. Outdoor adventures in Rochester’s natural landscapes. Activities include hiking and gardening at R-Centers, where children can cook with the food they grow.
  • Youth Employment Training. A job-readiness boot camp for high school students.
  • Youth Voice, One Vision. A program to help children inspire the community and create opportunities.

You can download the complete Summer Recreation Guide here.