Cuomo’s attorney strikes at NY Attorney General over sexual harassment report

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ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC) — The attorney for former Gov. Andrew Cuomo is hitting back against Attorney General Letitia James and her report into allegations of sexual harassment against Cuomo.

Today Rita Glavin laid out a number of instances she says the attorney general was biased and why her report is flawed. Now, she wants the A.G. to appoint an independent reviewer to consider her request to amend, correct and supplement the report.

In a 150 page submission, Glavin said Attorney General Letitia James needs to correct her report into sexual harassment allegations against Cuomo.

She says the report contains errors, material omissions and is politically motivated because she believes Letitia James is exploring a run for governor.

"She had a motive to draw every possible inference against the governor who was a political rival and who planned to run for a fourth term," Glavin said.

Glavin says the A.G.’s admitted involvement in the investigation, violated Cuomo’s referral, stating the A.G. herself was not to be personally involved and the investigation needed to be independent. Glavin says because the A.G. appointed an attorney who represents women suing employers for sexual harassment and another attorney who had a long history of investigating her client, the investigation was anything but independent.

Glavin also wants the A.G. to release the evidence she used to write her report saying, "You cannot run out, drop a report accusing someone, anyone, of all types of misconduct and then disavow any legal responsibility to have to defend it in any legal form."

Glavin also wants the A.G. to halt the pending criminal investigation into potential misuse of government resources including Cuomo’s $5 million dollar book deal. She says that investigation, referred by Comptroller Thomas DiNapoli was also politically motivated because he too was considering a run for governor. “That referral had politics written all over it,” said Glavin.

The Office of the Attorney General Wednesday released the following statement in response to attacks made by former Governor Andrew Cuomo’s lawyer, Rita Glavin, Wednesday:

“Another day, another baseless attack by the former governor who resigned so he didn’t have to participate in an impeachment hearing. The most concerning part of today’s charade was the former governor’s attempt to stifle a legal criminal investigation into allegations that he used state resources for a book deal and personal profit. This is not the Moreland Commission, and we will not be bullied into shutting down this investigation like the former governor did with that commission.”