First Alert Weather In-Depth: One of the warmest Octobers on record?

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ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC) — What is your preference when it comes to the month of October and the fall season as a whole? Do you like the warmer weather or do you prefer the more traditional temperatures?

When you take a look at the last five or six days you can see for a number of days, we have had above-normal temperatures. The average high is right around 60 degrees, and even when we do get a little bit of a cool-down, it does not last very long. We do not have Wednesday’s temperature in there just yet, but we expect a high-temperature today is going be up around 70 degrees.

When you take a look at the entire month of October, the number of days that we had above-average temperatures is just about the entire month! There are only three days that we had at or below the average temperature: Oct. 1, Oct. 17, and Oct. 18. We will see how this plays out for the rest of the month.

We can take a look at the record books and see where we stand in comparison to past Octobers in Rochester. This is the average temperature for the five warmest Octobers on record, which goes back well over 100 years. So if you stack up our temperature so far, this month you can see we are now averaging a little over at 62 degrees.

Keep in mind as we go through the rest of the month, we still have another week and a half. This number is going to fluctuate, but so far we are running almost at 8° above normal. Do we get any cooler weather anytime soon? We will see.