Salvation Army’s Genesis House to refer incoming homeless teens to other shelters

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ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC) — The Salvation Army of Greater Rochester announced Tuesday that they will be referring homeless teens that come to Genesis House to other shelter agencies for help.

The Salvation Army says they will now be referring homeless teens ages 16 and 17 who come for assistance to the Center for Youth and other local agencies.

Genesis House has been a viable and successful program for many years,” said Major Debbie Burr, Director of Monroe County Operations for The Salvation Army. “But the landscape has changed, especially during the past 18 months, and we have an opportunity to not only reassess how the Salvation Army’s resources are used here in Rochester but to enhance many of our other programs as well.”

The Salvation Army’s Genesis House opened in 1981 and has served as a shelter for runaway and homeless teens, ages 16-20 in the Rochester community.

The Salvation Army will also be forming a strategic planning group to find new ways for the shelter to serve the community that may include more permanent supportive housing options.