Poll: Hochul leads among Democrats ahead of June primary

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LOUDONVILLE, N.Y. (WHEC) — A new Siena College Poll is looking ahead to next year’s Democratic primary elections, and early indicators have current Governor Kathy Hochul coming out with the win.

In a potential five-way race, Hochul leads with 31%, followed by former Governor Andrew Cuomo 17%, Attorney General Letitia James 14%, activist Jumaane Williams 7%, and New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio 6%. With Cuomo excluded, Hochul gets 39%.

Currently, Hochul has a 42-26 percent favorability rating, which is down from 42-17 percent last month. As for her job performance rating, that is also in the negative: 43-45 percent, which is down from 44-37 percent in September.

The poll found only between 27 and 42 percent of New Yorkers give Hochul a thumbs up on five different issues, while between 38 and 51 percent give her negative grades. Hochul is currently breaking even on her handling of the COVID-19 pandemic and natural disasters. However, she is in the negative for cleaning up Albany corruption, strengthening the economy and ‘addressing issues important to you.’

To see the full results of the poll, click here.