Parks Dept: 2-3 days needed for flood waters to subside, before cleanup can start

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ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC) — Monroe County Parks Department says it will take two to three days for flood water levels to subside before any kind of cleanup can take place at Ellison Park.

Ellison Park in Brighton and part of Powder Mills Park in Pittsford were closed after Saturday’s heavy rains resulted in flooding at those locations.

The open field at Ellison Park turned into swampy wetlands on Saturday.

The park is at the bottom of a big hill off Blossom Road which makes it prone to flooding.

The water level in the middle of the park near some of the lodges and shelters was creeping close to the walkway, even crossing over the path at points. Parts of the park are blocked off for that reason.

In another field at the park, there were at least six inches of water in the middle of a giant puddle. A lot of the Ellison Park water will drain into Irondequoit Creek which winds through the park.

As the rain subsided, the creek level may continue to rise slightly before subsiding.

A handful of people were at Ellison Park while our crew was there. One person walking his dogs.

Another man said he was not surprised to see the flooding at the park.