Protesters occupy City Hall, respond to mayor’s internal report on Daniel Prude incident

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ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC) — Free The People Roc, and Black Lives Matter supporters are "occupying" Rochester’s City Hall. Protestors have been there since Tuesday morning, and say they’ll be there until all their demands are met.

Organizers say this is one of many ways they’re seeking justice for Daniel Prude and his family. They go on to say the report regarding the city’s handling of the Prude incident doesn’t go far enough. In fact, Stanley Martin says Warren’s eight-point plan falls short when it comes to what activists are demanding.

"It does not even begin to scratch the surface of what the family, and what the community is asking for. So until our demands are met city council is our now home. So this is the People’s Hall, and all are welcomed to join us," Martin said.

Both groups say Warren has failed the community once again even after firing Rochester Police Chief La’Ron Singletary. They believe he should’ve been fired immediately for providing her with what they say was false information about the March 23 incident.

"That alone should be enough for firing and prosecution, but she still kept him until he finally said you know what I’m probably wrong so I’m going to step down to not further tarnish my image. so she still didn’t hold him accountable. he decided to step down," Martin said.

News10NBC asked Joe Prude what he thought of the mayor’s report.

"Everybody knows that was an elaborate cover-up. You know what I mean. There’s no more further things they can possibly tell us. Now all we want them to do is tell us one thing. They ‘finna’ to go apprehend them people that murdered my brother. That’s all I want to know," Prude said.

"The video. She knew about the medical examiner also. I got a funny feeling those people would tell anybody what was going on about how he died," said one protestor.

As far as the occupation:

"People are committed to being out here," said Free The People Roc’s Adrian Elim. He continued, "You have Eastman students out here playing music. You have people out here doing their homework, doing their school work, plugging up and just again want to be a part of the movement."

Mayor Warren has scheduled a news conference for Wednesday morning starting at 10 a.m. It will be held at the Department of Rec and Youth Services.