Activists call for the firing of 7 suspended RPD officers

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ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC) — Activists are calling for the firing of the seven officers who were suspended with pay over Daniel Prude’s death.

On Thursday, the Community Justice Initiative was joined by other groups supporting the Black Lives Matter movement saying they want the officers charged and fired. The groups are demanding action from city leaders and are calling for the immediate removal for all rogue and racist officers from the police department.

United Christian Leadership Ministry President Rev. Lewis Stewart said the officers need to be prosecuted to the fullest extent.

“Anything less is a disservice to Mr. Prude, and a disservice to his family and disservice to black people and a disservice to this community,” Lewis said.

The suspended officers are Troy Taladay, Paul Ricotta, Francisco Santiago, Andrew Specksgoor, Josiah Harris, Mark Vaughn and Sgt. Michael Magri.

Activists are not only calling for the firing of these officers, but they are also pushing for Mayor Lovely Warren and Rochester Police Chief La’Ron Singletary to resign, calling this whole situation a cover-up.