Local organization holds rally against crime

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ROCHESTER, N.Y. – A local organization called Roc Unite, held a rally against crime on Sunday, directly in front of State Senator Jeremy Cooney’s office in Rochester.

The group listed and explained their demands for changes to current criminal law. Among their demands: The addition of a dangerous standard to bail reform, changing standards for repeat offenders under the Raise the Age Law and special funding for police recruitment and retention.

Advocates cited recent murders and car breakins as just a couple of reasons they’re concerned.

“It’s hurting our community. It’s hurting families. It’s hurting businesses and it’s hurting the growth of our city. We care about our city and want to make sure everybody feels safe and that people from outside of the city can feel safe coming inside the city,” said Marcus Williams, Roc Unite.

Roc Unite has sent their full list of demands to six of our representatives in state government. They say Senator Cooney was the only one to respond.