‘These kids are missing so much school’: Greece mom speaks out about ongoing bus delays

Greece parents struggling with late buses

Greece parents struggling with late buses

GREECE, N.Y. — As the school year nears its end, some parents in Greece are still having trouble getting transportation for their children. They reached out to News10NBC about buses not showing up on time.

Jennifer Baker says her child’s bus can be two hours late, a few times a week. She has a stepson who’s a junior in high school, and a daughter who’s in middle school. When the bus isn’t on time, the kids miss part of the school day.

“These are children who need to get their education, exams start next week. How is it okay that like, these kids are missing so much school that they’re going to fall behind; that’s affecting grades, colleges, all of these things,” Baker said.

Baker says it’s nothing new. They ran into these issues at the beginning of the year as well. Whenever the district gives a heads up, it’s just too short a notice. Baker has had to leave work a few times to give her kids rides, but she works in the medical field and that’s not always possible.

Friday morning, Baker’s son had to walk to school, which took him 30 minutes. “I could not get to him, and I said ‘I’m so sorry, I’m at work,’ I could’ve, it would’ve taken a little bit — and he’s like, ‘don’t even worry about it. I’ll walk.’ And he walked to school,” she said.

A spokesperson for the Greece Central School District says the district is struggling to hire drivers. The number of applicants isn’t keeping up with the number of retirements. The problem is exacerbated this time of year, when drivers are trying to use up sick time and vacation days.

As far as solutions, next Tuesday the Board of Education will look at what can be done. The district says it may reduce the number of runs drivers have, so they’re not spread so thin when coverage is needed.

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