Veo adding more staff to address e-scooter complaints in Rochester neighborhoods

Veo adding more staff in Rochester to address e-scooter complaints

Veo adding more staff in Rochester to address e-scooter complaints

ROCHESTER, N.Y. — As Veo e-bikes and scooters continue to grow in popularity around downtown Rochester, some neighbors are expressing concerns over the scooters being left in their neighborhood.

Marion Hunt Robinson woke up to a stack of VEO e-scooters parked next to her house, something she doesn’t want to experience again.

“For me to get up every morning and see them and know that people have to come there to get them and then they are usually thrown down on the floor. I don’t want it for the corner. I don’t want it for this surrounding area,” Robinson said.

Veo policy and partnerships manager Joe Bott acknowledges as the company continues to expand in Rochester, it will take time to adjust.

“You know, there might be some growing pains as we grow and launch our operations, but I think for people downtown if they have an issue or want to get in touch with us, our contact information is on all of our vehicles,” Bott said.

Veo e-bikes and scooters, which can be picked up and left anywhere around Rochester, continue to grow in popularity. That’s why Bott says Veo is adding 20 percent more staff to the team tasked with collecting the scooters and responding to customer complaints.

“Once you speak with our customer service team, they’ll dispatch someone in our operations team to go out and handle whatever issue you are dealing with,” Bott said.

That’s exactly what Robinson says she did after being told that the e-bikes and scooters were not operated by the city.

“I called them and said listen, I’m a homeowner. This is going to cause a problem for me,” Robinson said. The e-bikes were picked up the very next day.

“The person I spoke to, was very apologetic, very nice and he kept saying ‘we are going to take care of it,'” Robinson said. But she hopes that more people decide to use parking areas designed by Veo and out of her neighborhood.

“Wherever the people are going to find a space to gather, sometimes people, they’ll vandalize also. I just don’t want it to continue,” Robinson said.

Veo says it has already added 10 additional parking locations, which can be found on its app, and is continuing to evaluate whether more are needed.

News10NBC reached out to city leaders who say Veo continues to be a great partner and that its process for locating and charging the e-bikes and scooters is effective and efficient.

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