New falcon on Times Square Building lays second egg

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ROCHESTER N.Y. (WHEC) — The new falcon on the Times Square Building has produced a second egg, announced Roc Falcon Cam on Thursday.

The eggs are dark red in color with lighter spots, typical for peregrine falcons. The young falcon, known as unbanded female (UF), laid her first egg Monday night. Her second egg came around 11:45 p.m. Wednesday.

UF is the partner of unbanded tiercel (UT). Roc Falcon reported that the two falcons arrived they could be heard loudly chirping together and spent time together inside the nesting box, a sign that they were a couple.

You can watch the falcons in their nesting box live online.

Peregrine Falcons on New York State’s list of endangered species. Their population started declining after the 1940s because of exposure to the pesticide DDT, which caused eggshells to thin and crack.