Convicted cop-killer’s speaking engagement was ‘last straw’ for former BPD chief & SUNY Brockport adjunct professor

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BROCKPORT, N.Y. (WHEC) — A SUNY Brockport adjunct professor recently resigned and part of the reason was the convicted cop-killer coming to speak on campus.

Daniel Varrenti is also the former chief of the Brockport Police Department. He’d been teaching at the college for 22 years.

He told News10NBC Anchor Nikki Rudd over the phone Tuesday night that the Jalil Muntaqim event was "the last straw" for him and said he felt he could no longer be affiliated with the college.

Earlier Tuesday tonight in Albany, Assembly Republicans and the police conference called for SUNY Brockport to cancel the event with convicted cop-killer Jalil Muntaqim, also known as Anthony Bottom.

"Brockport was under no obligation to extend the invitation and the duplicitous way they did it, advertising him as a ‘political prisoner’ making no mention of what put him in prison is even more disgraceful," said Police Conference of New York President Richard Wells.

Muntaqim was convicted of killing Patrolmen Waverly Jones and Joseph Piagentini in 1971. He was also a Black Panther and a member of the Black Liberation Army. Click here for more information about the Black Liberation Army.

Muntaqim is scheduled to speak at SUNY Brockport on April 6.

On Monday, the college told students a page on its website was set up to answer any concerns.