City of Rochester padlocks corner store where 2 clerks allegedly sexually assaulted girl

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ROCHESTER N.Y. (WHEC) — The corner store where a girl was allegedly sexually assaulted by two clerks after they locked her inside on Saturday is padlocked, and no longer operating Tuesday, the City of Rochester confirmed.

The business will be not be allowed to operate for at least six months, according to city officials.

Shadad Alghaithy, 20, who is a level 2 sex offender, and James Hampton, 28, who is on parole for criminal possession of a controlled substance, are accused of locking an underage girl who had gone in to buy several items inside the store at 95 Central Park on March 19 and sexually assaulting her.

Rochester Mayor Malik Evans said the building’s owner is complying with the city and is agreeing to any terms for any future businesses inside the building.

City Corporation Counsel Linda Kingsley described it as a "heinous act" and said the city took steps immediately when it heard the news.

"Our promise to the community is that we’re going to use every legal means available when situations like this occur on properties to address them," Kingsley said. "And I’m pleased to see that it appears that we are getting collaboration here. We will get that business closed through at least a period of six months, and we will be able to ensure that the property owner takes responsibility for any future tenants who went into that retail space."

The corner store is across the street from a school, so as a sex offender, Alghaithy should not have been able to be hired as an employee at the store.

The Monroe County Probation Department confirmed Tuesday that Alghaithy was under its supervision and released a statement saying "Based on his status, Mr. Alghaithy should not have been present within 1,000 feet of a school."

The county did not say if probation was aware that Alghaithy was working at that location.

According to city documents, the property has six nuisance points for unlawfully dealing with a child in February.

The City of Rochester held a press conference Tuesday evening where officials addressed the actions taken. Watch it in the video in the player below (mobile users, click here):

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On Tuesday, Rochester Mayor Malik Evans announced steps were taken to shut down the store:

Following the incident that occurred at 95 Central Park on March 19, City of Rochester’s Neighborhood Preservation and Legal teams took immediate action to ensure this property is no longer a venue for illegal activity.

The building owner, who was renting space to the business owner of the corner store, has preliminarily indicated his intent to close the business. The Rochester Police Department has confirmed the location is currently padlocked and is not operating.

This afternoon, the City’s Corporation Counsel, along with Neighborhood Service Center staff, is meeting with the building owner to agree on terms of operation for any future business at that address. If satisfactory terms are not reached today, the City will initiate proceedings in State Supreme Court to have the property declared a nuisance and close it on a long-term basis.

“As soon as we learned of the incident this weekend, we began an accelerated process around this property,” said Rochester Corporation Counsel Linda Kingsley. “Given the extent of alleged criminal activity discovered Saturday – including violent sexual assault, weapons and drugs – we are taking immediate and definitive actions to ensure this location is no longer a threat to the community.”

The City will provide future updates as events proceed.

This comes after Hampton was in court Tuesday morning for an attorney hearing. He’s charged with rape, criminal possession of a weapon, and unlawful imprisonment.

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Hampton’s mother, Sabrina Russell, spoke to News10NBC and said she believes he would never do what he’s been accused of doing.

“That this is some sick sh*t?” Russell said. “I have girls of my own. We don’t indulge in none of that. This is some real-life sick sh*t."

Russell did not want to show her face on camera.

“My son don’t have anything to do with it,” Russell said. “I don’t know why they put him in this situation because it’s a bad situation to have anybody, whether it’s man or female, it’s a bad situation."’

Russell claims her son just started working at the store a couple of weeks ago.

“He wasn’t swiped for DNA,” Russell said. “His clothes weren’t taken in for evidence. None. Nothing was taken from my son.”

Russell said she dropped him off at work on Saturday and came back when she saw officers surrounding the store.

“From what my understanding was, is that they said that he locked the door from what I got, he said he didn’t lock the door is a push button to lock the door,” Russell said.

News10NBC asked what her son told her about why he didn’t intervene or try to leave the store, she says he claims he didn’t know the girl was being raped.

News10NBC was able to get a copy of got the felony complaint filed in city court for this case. In it, a Rochester police investigator indicates Alghaithy had intercourse with the girl after she told him to stop, while Hampton closed and locked the front door.

Both men are facing rape, weapons, and drug charges. Both will be back in court Friday morning for their preliminary hearings.

News10NBC also did reach out to a woman on social media claiming to be the mother of the young girl to get her side of the story. If we hear back, we will be sure to update you.