Local Olympian Chris Lillis celebrates by performing music at Iron Smoke Distillery

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FAIRPORT, N.Y. (WHEC) — Pittsford native Chris Lillis celebrated winning an Olympic gold medal and a U.S. national title in aerial freestyle skiing by singing at Iron Smoke Distillery’s concert venue on Monday evening.

Lillis played guitar and sang at the "Gold Meets Gold" victory party and charity bash. The event was a fundraiser to build an additional ski jump at Bristol Mountain—more specifically to raise money for "metal forms" to build better, faster, and safer ski jumps.

Lillis, 23, won a gold medal in the 2022 Beijing Winter Olympics for the three-person aerial freestyle skiing team event. During Team USA’s win on Feb. 10, Lillis landed a quintuple, the jump with the highest degree of difficulty. He placed first in the U.S. national championships on Sunday at his home slope of Bristol Mountain.