Local Irish pub cheerful being at full capacity for St. Patty’s Day festivities

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PENFIELD, N.Y. (WHEC) — The St. Patty’s Day parade and festivities brought a crowd rush to our local businesses. One local Irish pub says it’s pumped to be back at capacity again. Bars up and down East Ave were crowded with a mix of patrons and parade goers. Some were so packed, they couldn’t break away for a brief interview. But, Timothy Patrick’s, in Penfield, says it’s nice to see every seat full.

Matt Goetz, a bartender at Timothy Patrick’s bar, had tap beers flowing, following the parade in the city. Goetz says, the event is a big deal for Irish businesses.

"Any Irish restaurant will tell you, that we feel like we had the last two years robbed from us a little bit the parade was canceled in 2020 and last year and it impacted business a little, so ya, back to normal no masks it’s great,” Goetz said.

Goetz says he likes the hustle aspect of being behind the bar. He says what’s interesting is trying to get back into the swing of things as people adjust to feeling more comfortable being in larger crowds again.

"It feels good to move for a change, we’ve seen spikes over the last couple years where is gets busy summer warms up and people get comfortable going out but it’s been cold, but it’s been a nice relief to have the masks off, I think it provides comfort for people.”

When it comes to a big event like the parade, we asked Timothy Patrick’s what it did in preps to serve alcohol. Goetz says supply and demand has been a little tough for the business to navigate.

"Some liquors have been hard to get too. What was easy to get at two years ago, it’s almost impossible to get. That can cause prices to go up if you can even get it, but people have been really good about understanding there are shortages issues abroad and even issues here as well.”

Timothy Patrick’s says it’s prepping for the holiday, and doesn’t anticipate its luck running out on shortage of booze.