10th annual Rochester Fringe Festival kicks off Tuesday

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Editor’s Note: This story has been edited to remove someone who requested it.

ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC) — For the first time in two years, the KeyBank Rochester Fringe Festival is live, and back open to the public.

If you plan to watch an indoor show, make sure you bring proof of vaccination.

News10NBC stopped by for the opening night, and you couldn’t ask for a better one especially since last year’s festival was held virtually.

The crowd came back for the first night of the 12-day Fringe Festival, one of Rochester’s beloved yearly events. Festival Producer Erica Fee says this year there are 425 performances, and events to enjoy. She describes Tuesday night’s turnout as being absolutely magical.

"I mean we can actually feel the energy tonight. We have about 20 venues opening all throughout the greater Rochester area, and this is our featured venue this evening," Fee said as she pointed towards the Italian Circus Tent.

While the inside of the tent was packed for the performance of a comedic trio, outside dozens of other festival-goers waited to watch a movie called "Drunk Bus," which was filmed right here in Rochester.

Many in the crowd like Al Parisi, were happy to be back at the festival in person again.

"Oh my God. It couldn’t be more exciting. Here we are in the middle of this pandemic enjoying something we didn’t even think we’d be able to enjoy. It’s really fascinating that we’re here," Parisi said.

In fact, Parisi plans to attend every night.

"These dancers, theater people, and musicians haven’t got a chance to perform," Parisi said. "They’re all going to get a chance to perform right, and I’m going to be a willing audience, and take it all in."

The Fringe Festival has strict vaccine mandates. All unvaccinated people must wear a mask when visiting any of their indoor venues.

"We are checking vaccines at all of our venues. However, outdoors we’re not checking vaccines so that is not a requirement for our outdoor shows," Fee said.

One less thing to worry about for all festival-goers.

We’ve been told that all children’s events have been moved outdoors so that they all can attend.

Click here for all your KeyBank Rochester Fringe Festival information.