Advice from local transportation experts

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ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC) — Plow trucks across the county are out clearing snow from the roads. Before it’s said and done, we could end up with close to two feet of snow in some places, and that calls for some serious manpower.

"They’re ready for a storm,” said Karen St. Aubin, the operations director for the City.

"This is what the DOT does – we monitor the weather, get the engines ready figuratively and literally,” said Joe Leathersich, a spokersperson for the New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT).

Pre-treating the roads days and hours before a whopping snowstorm is crucial.

"We use a treated salt when the temperatures get very low and that works better with the traction of tires,” St. Aubin said.

The City says it has hundreds of trucks ready to hit the road. DPW in Chili says it has 15 trucks. Main roads are usually first before hitting side roads. Crews say how fast the snow falls is how they gauge how many trucks to send out at a time and where.

"Sometimes mother nature can snow faster than we can plow, if you don’t have to go out, don’t. If you do, drive in accordance with what you see on the road. You can’t just assume that there is always going to be a clear street in front of you,” said Dave Lindsay, Chili DPW Director.

Crews have a message for anyone driving in the snow:

"Slow down, give yourself enough time to react give yourself enough time to adjust to your car and the conditions out there,” Leathersich added.