After debates, Planned Parenthood project in Brighton ok’d by planning board

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Editor’s note: This story has been updated to reflect the Planning Board’s decision

BRIGHTON, N.Y. (WHEC) — The Town of Brighton’s Planning Board Wednesday night gave the okay for a new proposed Planned Parenthood project.

The unanimous decision came as dozens of people made their voices heard before and during the meeting.

Planned Parenthood wants to move into a building that will be constructed on South Clinton Avenue near Westfall Road.

People in favor and against the proposed facility spoke during the planning board meeting. The town board took time to hear out more than 40 people, no matter what they had to say. Many that took time to address the board said they were not in favor of putting this type of facility in Brighton. People that spoke on behalf of Planned Parenthood pushed back.

“I want to make a correction to the way people have been referring to Planned Parenthood , we are health care providers we are a health care center, not an abortion clinic,” one reprehensive said.

Some residents that took the podium commented on the facility not fitting into Brighton’s Ethic of Inclusion, while others said the organization offers a magnitude of resources.

"People will come here to get abortions, how does that serve the Brighton community, that’s not our community, we oppose it, one Brighton resident said.

Others say, the organization offers a magnitude of resources to the community.

"To those who are opposed to Planned Parenthood, they have a myopic view of the lifesaving work they do to provide holistic health care to those who otherwise would not have access to it in our for-profit health care system.”

Organizers from Roc Love Will End Abortion were also in the crowd Wednesday night.

"We want people to understand that this is not a benign health clinic that is moving into your community, it’s a cancer and we’re trying to keep that from spreading,” Dorothy Hayes said.