Canal Clean Sweep seeks community help

ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC) – The 17th annual Canal Clean Sweep will be held across the New York State Canal System and Canalway Trail.

The non-profit organization Parks & Trails New York, in partnership with the New York State Canal Corporation, is looking for volunteers.

Clean Sweep is scheduled to coincide with the annual Earth Day celebrations on Saturday, April 22-24, 2022.

“Canal Clean Sweep is a great opportunity for thousands of volunteers across the state to give back to the trail that brings them joy and respite throughout the year,” said Robin Dropkin, Executive Director of Parks & Trails New York. “Year after year, the Canal communities continue to amaze and inspire us with their support and participation – a testament to how much the Canal and Canalway Trail mean to them.”

The 2022 Canal Clean Sweep will take place following a full year of trail use since the completion and opening of the Empire State Trail, a 750-mile multi-use path spanning the state from Manhattan north to the Adirondacks, and west along the historic Erie Canal corridor to Buffalo.

For more information on the event and how to participate, please visit their website.