County leaders preparing for vaccine rollout for kids anticipating authorization

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ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC) — The Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine could be authorized for children ages five to 11 as early as next week, and Thursday, Monroe County leaders talked about how they’re preparing for the rollout.

Monroe County Executive Adam Bello says he’s been working with local pediatricians to help them gear up.

"So what we’re looking at is different ways that we can support those operations through both a personnel support and other types of logistical support and administrative support for each one of those offices to bid so that they can again, get those kids into their offices," Bello said.

Bello says much like the State, the County thinks the best place for children to get vaccinated is a place they’re familiar with.

"You know with the idea really being that the best location for a child that age to receive a vaccination would be with their pediatrician in their pediatrician’s office, as opposed to one of these larger vaccination sites in the community," Bello added.

But not all parents are on board with getting their children vaccinated against COVID. Katie Baxter said her whole family has already had Covid and believes they have natural immunity. She says as of right now, she has no plans to get her five-year-old vaccinated. But, that might change.

"I might when more research comes out, I’m sure I’ll change my mind, but at this point, I don’t have enough data and we did survive and we are healthy so I feel at this point I’m just going to go on what I do know. It might change I’m not sure," said Katie Baxter who has a five-year-old.

Monroe County Executive Adam Bello said he hopes to have more information on the effort to vaccinate five to 11-year-olds next week.