Cuomo’s lawyer announces legal actions over AG’s report

ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC) — Former New York governor Andrew Cuomo’s attorney Thursday announced she and her client are taking legal action alleging prosecutorial misconduct during New York Attorney General Letitia James’s investigation into allegations of sexual harassment and misconduct against the former governor.

James’s report, released Aug. 3, chronicled the claims of 11 women who told investigators that Cuomo had sexually harassed them or otherwise treated them inappropriately, with stories ranging from inappropriate comments allegedly made by the former governor to a claim that he had groped an aide’s breast.

Cuomo will personally file an ethics complaint with the New York State Bar Attorney Grievance Committee alleging misconduct on the part of James and Joon Kim and Anne Clarke, who led the investigation.

Rita Glavin, Cuomo’s attorney, announced that she will also make submissions to the relevant district attorneys alleging perjury and witness tampering.

Glavin claims that investigators ignored evidence that witnesses lied and did not question Lindsey Boylan, the first woman to accuse Cuomo of sexual harassment, about threats Glavin says Boylan made, which Glavin says included a threat to "destroy" the life of a former co-worker. Glavin claims the alleged threat led that co-worker to change his testimony.

Glavin also claims James’s office omitted testimony and evidence, selectively releasing evidence that painted her client in an unfavorable light.

Cuomo’s representation has repeatedly claimed that James’s report omitted evidence and that some testimony given against the former governor is untruthful and that James acted out of political ambition.

James was briefly in the running as a candidate for governor in the Democratic primary election but dropped out of the race a little over a month after officially announcing her candidacy.