East Rochester boy beats Guinness World Record time for most hours spent swinging

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ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC) — A 12-year-old boy from East Rochester officially beat the Guinness World Record time for most hours spent swinging.

To beat the world record, Sean Lewis has to swing for more than 32 hours to be the reigning champ, and as of 3 p.m., Friday he did it.

Sitting on a swing for that long can sound painful, but Sean wore padded bike shorts for comfort.

During his mission he needed two witnesses at all times, it needed to be filmed, no one was allowed to push him and he had to swing non-stop, save for 20-minute breaks every four hours.

Sean’s father, Matt Lewis, explained how fulfilling it feels to have reached this goal.

"We are super proud of him just the maturity, and yeah the willpower, to just stay on that," Matt said. "And a lot of it too is just pride, you know? He doesn’t want to walk off, I’m sure, in front of his friends, family. You know, people keep coming and the support is helping a lot too, you know, because you don’t ever want to quit."

Guinness World Record’s have to go through a verification process before they’re official. Click here to learn more about how it works.