Eastview Mall sees last-minute shopper surge before closing its doors for Christmas

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VICTOR, N.Y. (WHEC) — It’s that time of year again as thousands of last-minute Christmas shoppers searched for that perfect gift before Eastview Mall shut its doors for the holiday.

At 5 p.m., when shoppers had less than an hour to find the right holiday gift, they were doing so as prices were slashed with deep discounts.

Stores were offering 40% up to 70% off their holiday merchandise.

Shoppers carrying as many shopping bags as they can in the final hours of the holiday shopping season. Others waited in line to get it wrapped before leaving the mall. Those we talked to say their experience on Christmas Eve was a good one as lines inside most stores were not as long as they expected. They’re using this last day to their advantage.

"The discounts are amazing,” said Rochester resident Alisha Barclay. “I get to the register and I’m expecting to pay you know what I thought I was going to pay, and they say hey it’s 50% off, and I’m like awesome let me go get a few more things you know."

"There’s a lot of discounts out here. no, it’s not really anything I care about right now because I’m in a hurry,” said Penfield resident Michael Davis. “I just want to get something great for my wife."

Eastview Mall reopens its doors Sunday at 11 a.m.