First Alert Weather In-Depth: A warming trend

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ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC) — The Rochester area will be getting some mild weather over the next 48 hours, and there has been a significant change in the weather pattern recently.

Over the past two weeks, there hasn’t been consistently cold, Arctic weather as there had been. The temperatures have fluctuated from day to day, with a couple of days of mild air, followed by a couple of days of below-average temperatures. And it appears that this trend is going to continue.

On particular day that First Alert Meteorologist Glenn Johnson is focusing on is Thursday. He believes there’s a good chance of getting close to a record high temperature. There will be some rain, so that may hold the temperature down a little bit. But at this point, First Alert Meteorologists are forecasting 56 degrees for the high temperature. The record goes back to 2006 with 60 degrees.

From there, the six to 10-day temperature probability for the entire United States shows there are going to be some ups and downs but generally, the country will see some above-average temperatures.

Further in the future, the eight to 14-day temperature outlook shows this trend will continue and it appears there is a high probability of even more of this warmer weather.

Johnson likes to think of it as being just one more day closer to spring.