First Alert Weather In-Depth: Big storm system with a good side and a bad side brewing

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ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC) — Usually this time of the year that we transition from those small little localized storms to large scale storms.

That is exactly what is happening now. Usually, this is due to the building contrast in the temperature across North America and certainly happening over the next couple of days.

We see a storm system that is building through Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. It will be coming out of the lower Midwest and then will move into the upper Midwest and it is going to produce a lot of active weather. On one side of the storm system, there is going to be winter.

Now whether you think it is good or bad side depends on your perspective, but on the western side of the storm, there will be widespread snow and winds that are going to be blowing upwards of 40 mph. On the eastern side of the storm, this is where we initially see rain showers and mild temperatures with readings in the 50s and 60s.

This storm system is going to be large enough that it is going to change the weather pattern across the country. For us, we are going to get some of the residual effects of this storm. Eventually, it is going to be a return to colder weather.

So when that storm system goes by some of the cold air dumps in across the Great Lakes and we will get some of those local effects. We then get back to the small kind of storms. It is going to lake effect with some of the colder weather.