Good Question follow up: Will vaccines change NY travel rules?

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ROCHESTER, N.Y.(WHEC)— This Good Question continues to come up with more and more people around town getting their first and now second shots.

Just this week, Kevin sent News10NBC’s Brennan Somers a message: Does the quarantine-upon-return from travel rule apply to people who have been fully vaccinated with both shots of the vaccine?

As we’ve told you before, that answer is yes.

A spokesperson with the state Department of Health told Somers anyone getting vaccinated in the early phases will still have to follow New York’s quarantine rules. The idea behind that comes from concerns that even if you have both doses, which means you’re fully vaccinated–you could still catch the virus and spread it to others. The shots just keep you from getting sick from COVID itself, and from having symptoms.

That leads us to another Good Question.

Let’s say you’ve already had both shots, travel, then want to ‘test out’ of quarantine when you get back to NY, will the vaccine change your test results?

That answer, is no.

These shots don’t contain the live virus causing COVID-19. The CDC says none of the approved vaccines or those in trials here in the U.S. will bring back a positive result on a viral test. The tests are used to see if you have a current infection.

Remember vaccines, while very effective, aren’t full proof, some people have tested positive after getting shots. That could be due to a lag between vaccination and protection, or because they are close to, but not 100 % effective.

Health professionals say that means you could be dealing with asymptomatic spreaders, something they are currently looking into.


Watch previous Good Question segments here. If you have a question you’d like answered, email