Good Question: What happens if my electric car breaks down?
ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC)— This story is for anyone who has an electric vehicle, or those who don’t and maybe looking to get one.
If you have a problem out on a trip, break down on the side of the road, what are your options for help?
Mike sent News10NBC’s Brennan Somers this message: With the push to purchase an electric vehicle, if I leave home and run out of an electric charge in the middle of nowhere, are there tow trucks equipped with battery chargers to get me going again?
Somers went to AAA of Western and Central New York to get some answers. he spoke with Electric Vehicle expert Bryan Jajkowski.
"We’re welcoming in a new product that can actually charge electric vehicles and basically do the same thing we do with giving them gas when they run out of gas," Jajkowski added.

That new product? Roadie units from a group called SparkCharge.
AAA is teaming up with the company to have three of those mobile charging units to help drivers from Buffalo to Rochester, and Syracuse.
they’ll be rolling out over the next few months giving them another option other than just towing someone.
"It is a limited-service, you’re only gonna be able to get a limited number of miles depending on how much charge is available, temp, how far you’re battery is drained down," Jajkowski explained. "We can get you 5-10 miles to get you to somewhere you can charge your vehicle."
Through early testing, AAA officials told Somers they are seeing about 1 mile for every 2-3 minutes of charging roadside. so a half-hour would be enough to get you home or to a charging station.
This will work just like a regular service call for AAA customers.
Non-customers can still get AAA for help through paying fees for a private service. You also can check with your own manufacture for options. it may already have contractors to tow or give you a boost.
This really all depends on location and availability.
Again, AAA and SparkCharge are just launching this program here. The first charging units will be used in a pilot in Buffalo and Syracuse.
Then, they’ll come to Rochester.
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