Good Question: Will New York’s minimum still increase at the end of the year?

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ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC) — News10NBC received a Good Question that affects local businesses and how much workers are paid.

Viewers asked News10NBC’s Brennan Somers: Is the minimum wage in NY still on track to increase again on Dec. 31 — given everything with the pandemic and businesses?

That’s something to think about with companies dealing with tight budgets and losses. On the other side, you have workers looking for raises. By mandate under state law, at this point, all employees in New York have to make at least $11.80 per hour. The rate increases at the end of each year on Dec. 31.

This started back in 2016. The goal is to keep raising it until it hits $15 per hour and $10 tipped wage.

It’s already $15 per hour in New York City, and now our region is catching up. The hourly rate in the Rochester region is scheduled to jump to $12.50 for most workers in late December and $14.50 for fast-food employees.

News10NBC’s Brennan Somers asked the New York State Department of Labor if that’s still on track.

The short answer? They’re looking at it. A spokesperson told Somers:

"Per the statute, the state is in the process of reviewing regional economic indicators and potential impacts."

The goal for the $15 per hour minimum wage plan is to increase the paychecks of more than 2 million New Yorkers.


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