Governor Hochul: School mask mandate to end on Wednesday

ALBANY, N.Y. (WHEC) — Governor Hochul announced Sunday that the statewide mask mandate in schools will end on Wednesday.

Hochul cited many factors including a continuous downward trend in positive rates as well as the updated CDC guidance and risk assessment announced Friday.

"We are at the lowest point of pediatric cases since July 2021. We are in a much, much better place," Hochul said. The decision also applies to child care centers.

Counties and schools districts with higher positivity rates will be allowed to make their own decisions as it comes to masking.

Upon returning back to school after winter break, Hochul says more testing kits will be sent out for students.

One parent says she thinks masks should stay longer.

"At the beginning of the school year everything was being mandated, mandate this-mandate that…and now we have this," said Marie Kinney, who’s also an employee in the Rochester City School District. "There is no consistency. We just tried to get the kids to wear the masks, and now it’s over. We just need to stand by something and right now things are so up and down, I will personally tell my kids and myself to wear masks."

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The governor notes that the mask mandate still applies to state-regulated healthcare settings, nursing homes correctional facilities and homeless and domestic violence shelters.

The entire press conference is available for view.