Greece hit & run Good Samaritans: ‘They literally saved her life’

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GREECE, N.Y. (WHEC) — The mother and fiancée of the woman hurt in the unsolved hit and run Sunday night on Ridgeway Avenue in Greece say a young couple driving by moments after it happened saved a life.

Victoria Fox and her fiancé Chris Wood were driving west on Ridgeway Avenue to get dinner. It was 6 o’clock Sunday and dark.

"All of a sudden, I’m looking out the window and I just see someone lift up their head and their arm is out," Fox said.

It was Kristine Harris. Her family told me she was hit by a car as she was snow blowing the end of her driveway.

"We turned around and sure enough she was there on the ground between the white line and the snowbank," Wood said.

Ring video captured Wood on the phone with 911 and ringing the doorbell of Kristine’s home. Fox stayed with Kristine to keep her awake. The Ring video shows Wood’s white car in the distance. He parked it on the road to shield Kristine from traffic.

"Because of the way she was situated, between the line and the snow, she definitely could have gotten hit again," Fox said.

Brean: "Do either of you recall seeing a car that might have been coming from the other direction?"

Wood: "No because we were coming from the similar direction."

Fox: "There was no car like up where we turned around to say—hey, this just happened. I just hit someone. There was nothing."

Kristine Harris is at Strong Hospital with a broken ankle, broken leg, broken pelvis and injured back, but she is alive.

"Thank God these people stopped because they literally saved her life," Harris’s fiancée, Britany Fields, said. "I believe that 100%."

"It was just the right thing to do—stopping. To not stop would have been a crime in itself," Fox said.

If Greece Police have video of the suspect car, they haven’t shared it with me or the family. They say they’re working "tirelessly" on the case.

If you have information, call 911 and share it or email Greece Police at