In-Depth: ‘I wouldn’t wish this on my enemy’ says father of OD victim

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ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC) — Joey Williams’s mother, Latasha Williams, never had to worry about her son growing up.

"He made friends wherever he went, he didn’t get into anything bad,” Latasha said. “I slept good at night knowing, you know, I knew he was okay. I didn’t have to worry about him."

On Saturday, Joey was one of three people found dead inside a home on Grand Avenue in the City of Rochester. Police suspect it was a triple fatal drug overdose. This news came as a complete surprise to Joey’s parents, who say they never knew him to get into trouble with the police or with drugs in the past.

"This is a shock to everyone… this is…so unbelievable,” Latasha said. "My only baby. 27 years old."

Joey had three children of his own — ages 6, 3, and 4 months old. His parents say his girlfriend and the mother of his two youngest children was one of the others found dead in the Grand Ave home. Those two children will now live with their grandmother, Latasha.

"He was a great father, they were good parents,” Latasha said. “They took very good care of their kids, they went on trips every year."

The kids were at the home when the bodies were found over the weekend. Five days after the loss of their son, and Joey’s parents are in what they call “unbearable pain.”

"This is a feeling I wouldn’t wish on… I wouldn’t wish this on my enemy,” said Joey’s dad, Joseph Williams.

Joey’s dad has a message for other parents who might suspect their child has a problem with addiction:

"Drill in the heads of your children, you know, what drugs are doing. Make them aware, you know, constantly remind them, say look — this drug does this, this drug does that, don’t start doing this because this is gonna happen."

News10NBC’s Emily Putnam sat down with Latasha and Joseph on Thursday.

Emily Putnam: If you could say one thing to your son right now, what would it be?

Joseph Williams: I love him so much.

Latasha Williams: He was the greatest gift God has ever given me, and I love him with all my heart.

A GoFundMe campaign is running to help Joey’s family pay for his funeral expenses. Click here to view the campaign.

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