Larry Knox has been voted as temporary interim chair of the Police Accountability Board

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ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC) – The Police Accountability Board held a special meeting Monday. Larry Knox has been voted as temporary interim chair of the PAB.

The board nominated Larry Knox (the newest person on the board) for the new board chair position to replace former chair Shani Wilson, who submitted her resignation after suspended PAB director, Conor Dwyer Reynolds, who said she sexually harassed him and then retaliated against him when he reported it.

Dr. Harvey of the board chose not to vote—all the other board members supported the vote.

Dr. Rickey Harvey says he wants to go on record to say he thinks it’s a bad idea to bring someone on with only 4-5 weeks experience as the chair. He wants to see someone who has served the board and the person that has “helped to dig the trenches” to get here.

Board members say after July 1st they will do an official vote.