Lollypop Farm asking for help amid influx of pets

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FAIRPORT, N.Y. (WHEC) — Lollypop Farm, the Humane Society of Greater Rochester announced this week it is facing a major influx of pets being admitted to the shelter and has hit max capacity.

Rippy is a 7-year-old, treat-loving, toy-fetching four-legged resident of Lollypop Farms.

“He is in a situation where his owner lost their income, lost their home and now he’s looking to the community to help find his second chance,” said Director of Communications Ashley Zeh.

Rippy is just one of the many pets dropped off at Lollypop, a rising trend that the shelter says is cause for concern, as they’re now forced to turn away pets due to lack of space.

“In August alone we’ve taken in 304 animals. It’s a lot, and we’re all full capacity at the shelter,” Zeh said.

The shelter says in addition to it being "kitten season," when community cats make abundant litters, the lingering pandemic has increased the number of pets dropped off at the shelter because of unfortunate circumstances the owners fall into.

“There are people that have lost their jobs, there are people that are facing family illnesses and things like that and the whole community is still facing this very big struggle, and as an effect, we are seeing that affect the pets," Zeh said.

Carolyn Kerber and Frank Volz just finished their adoption paperwork this afternoon, an effort the shelter is pushing the community to do to help as many of the pets as possible and make space for more. Kerber and Volz just lost a pet this week and are looking to adopt a new one.

“Being a pet owner is a responsivity. It is like having a child. You’ve got to take care of him, and if you can’t take care of him, then you don’t take on that responsibility,” Volz said.

Volz says to him, pets like Rippy are like therapy. They are certainly a man’s best friend.

“They’re more than just a pet. They help, and that’s why I love mine,” Volz said.

Lollypop Farms is actively looking for those who are interested in donating, adopting or foster care volunteers for furry pets of all shapes and sizes, so head on down to the shelter if you are interested or click here for more information about how you can help.