Morelle: $5 billion federal plan to fund anti-violence programs

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ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC) — Rep. Joe Morelle (D, NY-25) Tuesday talked about a $5 billion federal plan to fund anti-violence programs.

The event was held at the Boys and Girls Club.

Morelle said he believes the violence is often a by-product of hopelessness.

“It’s a byproduct of a lack of education, job opportunities and healthy outlets,” Morelle said.

Rochester’s Mayor-elect Malik Evans echoed a similar sentiment.

“We have lost so much talent — the future doctors, lawyers, business people who are now sitting in Mt. Hope Cemetery or Riverside Cemetery or in correctional facilities,” Evans said. “So this makes common sense for us to be able to support community violence intervention programs.”

Morelle said the $5 billion will be part of the president’s "Build Back Better" agenda.