News10NBC, WBEE 92.5 celebrate Bee A Hero Day 2021:Here’s how to help

ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC) — Do you want to BEE a hero? On Friday, you can be.

News10NBC and WBEE 92.5 are teaming up Friday as part of BEE a Hero Day, a fundraiser, which helps The Ronald McDonald House Charities of Rochester.

The Ronald McDonald House Charities of Rochester provides a "home-away-from-home" to families while their children receive the medical care they need. They offer services at the Westmoreland House, the House Within the Hospital and the Ronald McDonald Family Room at the Golisano Children’s Hospital, and the Family Lounge at Rochester General Hospital.

[Donate here]

Whether it’s lodging, transportation, meals, or companionship, they take the worry away so families can concentrate on their children. All families are welcome to the Ronald McDonald Family Room and the Family Lounge.

News10NBC will have coverage throughout the day as we work to raise money!

Check out Emily Putnam’s interview with RMDHC President Joane Ryan

Here’s a bit more on where your donation goes to

Emly speaks to Eagleview, a sponsor of the event.

Check out Nikki Rudd’s interview with RMDHC President Joane Ryan:

Nikki Rudd speaks with Karissa VanCamp-Smith, a RMHCR family:

Nikki Rudd speaks with the Welch family:

You can donate online or TEXT "RMHCR" to 366283 and you’ll be able to donate any amount you like.

See other BEE A Hero stories here!