Ontario restaurant reserves table for 13 killed in Kabul attack

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ONTARIO N.Y. (WHEC) — The operators of a local barbecue joint are making a social media sensation with their tribute to the 13 American servicemembers who died in the Kabul terrorist attack.

Heintzelman’s BBQ Pit in the Wayne County town of Ontario has reserved a table for them.

The restaurant – located at 361 Knickerbocker Road – is one of many restaurants here and abroad that are doing similar things.
This gesture has special meaning for the owners of Heintzelman’s.

"I have to give credit to my daughter. Uh, obviously being a military family, she was thinking about this and she said, ‘Dad, this is something that we can do to pay tribute to those and their families that are not going to be able to be together,’" said owner Bob Heintzelman.

Eleven marines, one soldier, and one sailor died in the Kabul terrorist attack on Thursday.