Protest last night at corner store to support young rape victim

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ROCHESTER N.Y. (WHEC) – Members of the community are showing support for the young girl that Rochester police said was raped by two clerks while locked in a corner store across from a school.

A protest organized Tuesday night was meant to expose what they call "evil in our community". The gathering was outside the store on Central Park and Scio Street.

Neighbors tell us they showed up to support the victim and others like her who have or haven’t come forward.

"I want to stand for her healing because this is not only just psychological. Her body will heal but this is also spiritual. This is where her relationships in the future can be impacted this way. And this is impacting our community," said Dr. DJ Robinson of Rochester.

The store is now closed and padlocked after the city took action to make sure the building is no longer a venue for illegal activity.
As for the two men charged with rape, they’re in jail.

The probation office is investigating how one of the suspects – Shadad Alghaithy – a level two sex offender, was allowed to work at the store across the street from a school.