Public calling hours for Officer Mazurkiewicz brings thousands of mourners

PERINTON, N.Y. (WHEC) – Streets in Fairport, Perinton are blocked off for friends and family to honor RPD Officer Tony Mazurkiewicz. Public calling hours, run until 8 p.m. Sunday. Thousands of people are expected to pay their respects.

It was a somber Sunday afternoon for friends and family as they entered Richard H. Keenan Funeral Home on Pittsford Palmyra Road.

The entire community played a part in making the public calling hours special. The Egypt Fire Department helped direct traffic, and Fairport High School provided parking and shuttle services. Police officers close to Mazurkiewicz described the outpouring of support as humbling.

“Officer Mazurkiewicz lost his life protecting the community so to get a response back is great to see and really heartwarming. Office Mazurkiewicz is that role model, he’s one of my role models. I just worked an assignment with him about a month ago and the thoughtfulness that he put into the work we were going to do, to do something dangerous, the thought and questions he asked to make sure that we were doing things thoroughly and safely, that was what he did,” RPD Lt. Greg Bello said.

Following calling hours, the town will participate in “Light Perinton Blue” driving down the procession line, ending at the Public Safety Building.