"Next thing I know – bam! He hit me" Man attacked in his wheelchair talks to News10NBC

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ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC) – Security camera video on Monroe Avenue Thursday shows a bicyclist hammering a man in a wheelchair with what appears to be a bike lock.

Rochester Police are trying to find the cyclist.

News10NBC found the man who was attacked.

His name is Danny Richardson. He’s 59 years old. Everybody at the corner of Monroe Avenue and Meigs Street knows him.

The security video shows Richardson sitting in his wheelchair on the sidewalk.

"I was sleeping. I wasn’t doing drugs, weed, drinking, even cigarettes. And I just fell asleep," he said.

Bt as Richardson dozed off, the video shows a man rides up on his bike and hits Richardson on the side of his head with what appears to be a bike lock.

"I kind of woke up and in the corner of my eyes I seen him coming but I didn’t think he would do anything," Richardson said. "And the next thing I know – bam! He hit me."

When I spoke to Richardson he still had a cut on his head and his hospital papers from Strong.

Brean: "Do you know who did it?"
Danny Richardson: "No."
Brean: "Did you recognize the guy?"
DR: "I’ve seen him before but I recognize him to that point."
Brean: "Do you know his name?"
DR: "No sir."

The only description Richardson had was the guy on the bike was wearing something green and had short hair.

The first time he saw the video is when I showed it to him today.

Richardson: "That’s exactly what happened!"
Brean: "Have you seen that video before?"
DR: "No!"
Brean: "You lived it though."
DR: "Ah, yeah."

Rochester Police tweeted the video and said "Please help us bring this individual to justice."
If you can help police identify the guy on the bike, call 911.