Restaurants close after taking damage, still support demonstrators

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ROCHESTER N.Y. (WHEC) — Several restaurants in Rochester’s East End closed down on Saturday night ahead of demonstrations following Daniel Prude’s death.

News10NBC got video of some people damaging tables and glasses in outdoor eating areas.

The Ox and Stone, Swan Dive, and The Daily Refresher all posted messages on social media showing support for people in the community saying "You can not deny the anger and hurt our community is feeling right now."

A bartender at Axes and Ales on East Avenue said they were staying open for the night.

"I don’t think the protests are likely to cause any real damage or violence to property here unless they’re provoked in some way," said Jason Sager. "That’s been my experience with this group is they really don’t want to cause any more trouble than they’re being given themselves."

Sager said that customers and staff would be evacuated out the back of the building if there were any safety concerns.